I am a postdoctoral fellow in tropical Mycology at the University of Parakou (Benin). My research focuses on fungi, especially those that form an ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with the roots of plants. Through this symbiosis, the absorption capacity of water and mineral salts of the plant is considerably increased by the mycelial activity of the fungus, while the latter obtains carbohydrates from the autotrophic plant. Some species in this group produce edible fruiting bodies which represent a potential source income, protein, vitamins and minerals for local communities. Specifically, my doctoral thesis work on this group focused on their diversity, their natural production and the abiotic (climate, soil) and biotic (vegetation) factors that control them. Currently, for my post-doc studies, I am interested in the processes that generate and maintain the diversity of ectomycorrhizal species. The questions I address are in different scientific fields such as evolution, taxonomy and ecology and I use a wide range of methods in my studies, for example: field studies, DNA sequencing and bio- / phyloinformatics. In addition, I address more applied questions such as how mushrooms are used (ethnomycology). Most of my field work is done in West Africa.
Some indicator species of each macroclimatic zone in Benin and phylogenetic position of Trametes species from Benin (See Olou et al. 2019, 2020)