MyTIPs execute teaching and research activities on various aspects of fungi, including taxonomy, ecology, distribution, exploitation and sustainable conservation of fungi and their habitat. We focus mostly on mycorrhizal fungi (ectomycorrhizal and AMF). As for saprotrophs group, most works done are focused on their domestication and cultivation.
We are teaching on various aspects of mycology, including (1) Inventory and Monitoring fungal communities, (2) Mushrooms cultivation, (3) Mycorrhizal symbiosis, (4) Biofertilisation, (5) Molecular Phylogeny, (6) DNA barcode, (7) ethnomycologie, sustainable exploitation and conservation of fungi. In addition, MyTIPS is active in regional capacity building and conference activities such as trainings, workshops and seminars, that aim at updating African junior researchers in the field of tropical mycology (see events section).
Food use of Amanita masasiensis and A. subviscosa in the village of Angaradébou, N’dali (Larourou, 2015)
MyTIPS also lead R&D activities, by producing and supplying various mushrooms-based products and by-products (food enriched with local mushrooms, manufacturing of mushrooms-based spices, fungal seeds, edible mushrooms, biofertilizers). We offer various services to society, including (1) training in mushrooms cultivation, (2) identification of edible mushrooms and (3) environmental education oriented to the utility of mushrooms in the nature. Thanks to the 20-years’ experience, MyTIPS promotes the sustainable exploitation of wild edible mushrooms within rural community by providing technical assistance for the establishment of the added-value chain of wild mushrooms.