Year 2008
- De Kesel, A. Yorou, NS et al. 2008. Ethnomycological notes on Marasmiellus inoderma from Benin and Togo (West Africa). Cryptogamie Mycologie 29(4):313-319.
- Yorou NS, Agerer R.. 2008. Tomentella africana, a new species from Benin (West Africa) identified by morphological and molecular data. Mycologia :100(1):68-80.
- Yorou SN, Raidl S, Agerer R. 2008. “Uapacaerhiza wariensis” + Uapaca guineensis Müll. Arg. Description of Ectomycorrhizae 11/12: 147-153
- Yorou NS. 2008. Miscellaneous Contributions to the Anatomy and Molecular Phylogeny of tropical African resupinate Thelephorales. PhD Thesis, University of Munich (Germany).
- Yorou SN, Agerer R, Raidl S. 2008. Afzeliaerhiza beninensis + Afzelia africana. Description of Ectomycorrhizae 11/12: 1-8