Research on fungi to optimize their utility
  • Tous les jours 24h/24h
  • Bénin, Parakou Banikanni
  • +(229) 94243866

Year 2013

Year 2013

  1. Binder A, Persoh D, Yorou NS, Verma R, Agerer R. 2013. Ectomycorrhizae of Tomentella badia. Description and molecular identification. Acta Mycologica 48(2): 153-169. DOI: 10.5586/am.2013.018
  2. Yorou NS, Paroll C, Treu R, Agerer R. 2013. Two new tomentelloid fungi from Papua New Guinea. Nova Hedwigia 95: 429-441. DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2012/0051
  1. Guissou MKL, Yorou NS, Sanon E, Philippe Sankara Ph, Guinko S. 2013. Chemical composition, food and therapeutic values of fous useful macromyucetes from burkina Faso. Journal Africain de Communications Scientifique et technologique, série Sciences pure et genie, n° 18 : 2333-2348