Facilities available
Available facilities at MyTIPS include:
- A laboratory space and a library equipped with more than 300 mycological books on the campus of the University of Parakou. The laboratory space includes all sort of equipment’s for (1) a state-of-art molecular studies (2) domestication and cultivation of fungi (3) isolation and cultivation of fungi from the soil and all the equipment required for high microscopic analyses;
A mycological herbarium composed of more than 4500 dried specimens. It represents the richest mycological herbarium in West Africa and geographically the most diverse since it shelters specimens from 14 countries of West Africa. The herbarium in indexed under the acronym UNIPAR.
A living collections center that hosts certain strains to support seed fungal production, but also soil fungi collections for manufacturing biofertilizers
- A fungal museum composed of various photos, posters and films for environmental education for public audience, schoolchildren and students.